Do you need an overview of your change process? Or do you want to discuss the dilemma’s involved? A change visual helps you to have a meaningful conversation about your work.
The drawing supports the movement you want to create. I map out the most important elements in symbols and key words. Sometimes I add questions about the issues you want to get clear. I develop a visual structure to show the elements in a connected whole.
I can also map out your vision on change and learning. So you can easily convey it to your client. Or discuss it with the people you work with.
‘I do not call Kim for a nice drawing.’
It is her change approach that makes it worth the
investment. I ask her help when we are working on a complex puzzle. Her drawings help us solve it.
Karin Kerckhaert, Sigadi Management and Organisational Development
The change capacity of these images is that they hit the core of what is at the table and are easy to grasp. Because of their simplicity and sketchy quality they stimulate further exploration and thinking. Participants focus on the content, they are less inclined to point at each other.
‘Working with Kim takes little time and it saves a lot of words’.
It is wonderful to see how people are triggered in their thinking by Kims visuals. How easy it is
to get into a conversation about them. People get out of their usual exchange on a topic.
Gerdien Heering,
Work material I produce ranges from:
- metaphoric images visualizing the direction of change
- diagrammatic images to visualize new organisational models or governance principles
- roadmaps for your change strategy
- templates you can use to focus attention in discussions and collect input on key questions
- … whatever works to support exploration and develop new perspectives in the process you are working on
The drawings provide a connecting line during your change process.
‘Kim translates vision into practice.’
The change visuals stimulate the conversation about work. They offer our professional care teams a good starting point to develop their team plans.
Joost Meijs, Director of Zideris at the time, now member of the Board of Directors at SOVAK
Do you have a change question and can you use a visual partner?