Record Reflect Reframe

Record Reflect Reframe 20160705 print

The field of working visually ranges from visual products to effectively capture information to drawing interventions to come to new perspectives. I arranged the different fields of working visually along the axis Record (to register data) – Reflect (an image to use as a source for further reflection) – Reframe (to purposefully move to new ways of looking at the topic). Along this line I set out the visual work with a focus on the product and on the process. The fields of recording and reflecting are well covered. The field of reframing by using visual interventions is less developed, I love to hear from others who are working in this area and share experiences. On how to use drawing to support deep learning.

Sketch to generate new ideas

Boost your thinking by drawing_03

Designers and artists do it all the time: sketching to hone ideas and generate new ones. They use drawing to support their thinking. Everybody can use that tool and fully use their visual brain to find different solutions to a problem or create something new. This is how:

  1. Map your thinking around the issue in simple drawings and some key words
  2. Have a ‘mental conversation’ with your visible thoughts
  3. Let yourself be surprised by unexpected connections and ideas that spring from ambiguities in the shapes you produced.